Recently RStudio has released a package that allows to use TensorFlow in R. Also recently several trained models for image classification have been released. In this post I describe how to use the VGG16 model in R to produce an image classification like this:
(image taken from:
The code is available on github. In that directory there is also a python file
for checking the validity of the R-code against the python implementation in which the models are published.
As a first step we download the VGG16 weights vgg_16.tar.gz
from here and extract it. You should get a file named vgg_16.ckpt
which we will need later.
for checking the validity of the R-code against the python implementation in which the models are published.vgg_16.tar.gz
from here and extract it. You should get a file named vgg_16.ckpt
which we will need later.Building the model
We now define the model. Note that since the network is written in the default graph, we do a clean start by resetting the default graph.
slim = tf$contrib$slim #Poor mans import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
tf$reset_default_graph() # Better to start from scratch
We start with a placeholder tensor in which we later feed the images. The model works on a batch of images and thus needs a tensor of order 4 (an array having 4 indices). The first index of the tensor counts the image number and the second to 4th index is for the width, height, color. Since we want to allow for an arbitrary number of images of arbitrary size, we leave these dimensions open. We only specify that there should be 3 color channels (rgb). Then these images are rescaled with TensorFlow to the size (224, 224) as needed by the network.
# Resizing the images
images = tf$placeholder(tf$float32, shape(NULL, NULL, NULL, 3))
imgs_scaled = tf$image$resize_images(images, shape(224,224))
We are now defining the VGG16 model. Luckily there is a package TensorFlow-Slim included in the TensorFlow installation, which allows to easily build networks.
# Definition of the network
# The last layer is the fc8 Tensor holding the logits of the 1000 classes
fc8 = slim$conv2d(imgs_scaled, 64, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv1/conv1_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(64, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv1/conv1_2') %>%
slim$max_pool2d( shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool1') %>%
slim$conv2d(128, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv2/conv2_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(128, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv2/conv2_2') %>%
slim$max_pool2d( shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool2') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool3') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool4') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool5') %>%
slim$conv2d(4096, shape(7, 7), padding='VALID', scope='vgg_16/fc6') %>%
slim$conv2d(4096, shape(1, 1), scope='vgg_16/fc7') %>%
# Setting the activation_fn=NULL does not work, so we get a ReLU
slim$conv2d(1000, shape(1, 1), scope='vgg_16/fc8') %>%
tf$squeeze(shape(1, 2), name='vgg_16/fc8/squeezed')
We can visualize the model in tensorboard, by saving the default graph via:
tf$train$SummaryWriter('/tmp/dumm/vgg16', tf$get_default_graph())$close()
You can now open a shell and start tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir /tmp/dumm/
You should get a result like:
We now define the model. Note that since the network is written in the default graph, we do a clean start by resetting the default graph.
slim = tf$contrib$slim #Poor mans import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
tf$reset_default_graph() # Better to start from scratch
We start with a placeholder tensor in which we later feed the images. The model works on a batch of images and thus needs a tensor of order 4 (an array having 4 indices). The first index of the tensor counts the image number and the second to 4th index is for the width, height, color. Since we want to allow for an arbitrary number of images of arbitrary size, we leave these dimensions open. We only specify that there should be 3 color channels (rgb). Then these images are rescaled with TensorFlow to the size (224, 224) as needed by the network.
# Resizing the images
images = tf$placeholder(tf$float32, shape(NULL, NULL, NULL, 3))
imgs_scaled = tf$image$resize_images(images, shape(224,224))
We are now defining the VGG16 model. Luckily there is a package TensorFlow-Slim included in the TensorFlow installation, which allows to easily build networks.
# Definition of the network
# The last layer is the fc8 Tensor holding the logits of the 1000 classes
fc8 = slim$conv2d(imgs_scaled, 64, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv1/conv1_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(64, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv1/conv1_2') %>%
slim$max_pool2d( shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool1') %>%
slim$conv2d(128, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv2/conv2_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(128, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv2/conv2_2') %>%
slim$max_pool2d( shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool2') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(256, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv3/conv3_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool3') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv4/conv4_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool4') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_1') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_2') %>%
slim$conv2d(512, shape(3,3), scope='vgg_16/conv5/conv5_3') %>%
slim$max_pool2d(shape(2, 2), scope='vgg_16/pool5') %>%
slim$conv2d(4096, shape(7, 7), padding='VALID', scope='vgg_16/fc6') %>%
slim$conv2d(4096, shape(1, 1), scope='vgg_16/fc7') %>%
# Setting the activation_fn=NULL does not work, so we get a ReLU
slim$conv2d(1000, shape(1, 1), scope='vgg_16/fc8') %>%
tf$squeeze(shape(1, 2), name='vgg_16/fc8/squeezed')
We can visualize the model in tensorboard, by saving the default graph via:
tf$train$SummaryWriter('/tmp/dumm/vgg16', tf$get_default_graph())$close()
You can now open a shell and start tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir /tmp/dumm/
You should get a result like:
Loading the weights
We start a Session and restore the model weights from the downloaded weight file.
restorer = tf$train$Saver()
sess = tf$Session()
restorer$restore(sess, '/Users/oli/Dropbox/server_sync/tf_slim_models/vgg_16.ckpt')
We start a Session and restore the model weights from the downloaded weight file.
restorer = tf$train$Saver()
sess = tf$Session()
restorer$restore(sess, '/Users/oli/Dropbox/server_sync/tf_slim_models/vgg_16.ckpt')
Loading the images
Now it’s time to load the image. The values have to be in the range of 0 to 255. Therefore I multiply the values by 255. Further, we need to feed the placeholder Tensor with an array of order 4.
img1 <- readJPEG('apple.jpg')
d = dim(img1)
imgs = array(255*img1, dim = c(1, d[1], d[2], d[3])) #We need array of order 4
Now it’s time to load the image. The values have to be in the range of 0 to 255. Therefore I multiply the values by 255. Further, we need to feed the placeholder Tensor with an array of order 4.
img1 <- readJPEG('apple.jpg')
d = dim(img1)
imgs = array(255*img1, dim = c(1, d[1], d[2], d[3])) #We need array of order 4
Feeding and fetching the graph
Now we have a graph in the session with the correct weights. We can do the predictions by feeding the placeholder tensor images
with the value of the images stored in the array imgs
. We fetch the fc8
tensor from the graph and store it in fc8_vals
fc8_vals = sess$run(fc8, dict(images = imgs))
fc8_vals[1:5] #In python [-2.86833096 0.7060132 -1.32027602 -0.61107934 -1.67312801]
## [1] 0.0000000 0.7053483 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
When comparing it with the python result, we see that negative values are clamped to zero. This is due to the fact that in this R implementation I could not deactivate the final ReLu operation. Nevertheless, we are only interested in the positive values which we transfer to probabilities for the certain classes via
probs = exp(fc8_vals)/sum(exp(fc8_vals))
We sort for the highest probabilities and also load the descriptions of the image net classes and produce the final plot.
idx =, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix[1:5]
# Reading the class names
names = read_delim("imagenet_classes.txt", "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE,col_names = FALSE)
### Graph
g = rasterGrob(img1, interpolate=TRUE)
text = ""
for (id in idx) {
text = paste0(text, names[id,][[1]], " ", round(probs[id],5), "\n")
ggplot(data.frame(d=1:3)) + annotation_custom(g) +
annotate('text',x=0.05,y=0.05,label=text, size=7, hjust = 0, vjust=0, color='blue') + xlim(0,1) + ylim(0,1)
Now since we can load trained models, we can do many cool things like transfer learning etc. More maybe another time.
Now we have a graph in the session with the correct weights. We can do the predictions by feeding the placeholder tensor
with the value of the images stored in the array imgs
. We fetch the fc8
tensor from the graph and store it in fc8_vals
.fc8_vals = sess$run(fc8, dict(images = imgs))
fc8_vals[1:5] #In python [-2.86833096 0.7060132 -1.32027602 -0.61107934 -1.67312801]
## [1] 0.0000000 0.7053483 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
When comparing it with the python result, we see that negative values are clamped to zero. This is due to the fact that in this R implementation I could not deactivate the final ReLu operation. Nevertheless, we are only interested in the positive values which we transfer to probabilities for the certain classes via
probs = exp(fc8_vals)/sum(exp(fc8_vals))
We sort for the highest probabilities and also load the descriptions of the image net classes and produce the final plot.
idx =, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix[1:5]
# Reading the class names
names = read_delim("imagenet_classes.txt", "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE,col_names = FALSE)
### Graph
g = rasterGrob(img1, interpolate=TRUE)
text = ""
for (id in idx) {
text = paste0(text, names[id,][[1]], " ", round(probs[id],5), "\n")
ggplot(data.frame(d=1:3)) + annotation_custom(g) +
annotate('text',x=0.05,y=0.05,label=text, size=7, hjust = 0, vjust=0, color='blue') + xlim(0,1) + ylim(0,1)
Now since we can load trained models, we can do many cool things like transfer learning etc. More maybe another time.
How stable is the R version of tensorflow?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this.
Just needs an update:
> tf$train$SummaryWriter('/tmp/dumm/vgg16', tf$get_default_graph())$close()
Error in eval(substitute(expr), envir, enclos) :
AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'SummaryWriter'
It's deprecated. Now you can use tf$summary$FileWriter instead.
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This is an excellent tutorial on how to use TensorFlow models in R for picture categorization. I appreciate the thorough explanation and clear step-by-step directions. It's amazing to see how RStudio's package makes working with TensorFlow in R easier. I'm looking forward to more advanced courses on issues like transfer learning!
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Thank you so much for sharing this detailed tutorial on Image Classification in R using trained TensorFlow models. I really loved it.
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Image Classification in R using trained TensorFlow models is a powerful technique for automating the recognition of objects and patterns in images, making it invaluable in various applications, from healthcare to self-driving cars.
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Great job implementing the VGG16 model in R for image classification
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ReplyDeleteThat sounds like an exciting and useful tutorial! The integration of TensorFlow into RStudio opens up powerful possibilities for image classification. Using the VGG16 model in R to perform classification tasks brings the benefits of pre-trained models to the R ecosystem, enhancing its capabilities in deep learning applications. Your tutorial likely provides a step-by-step guide on implementing this process, enabling R users to leverage sophisticated image classification without starting from scratch.
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ReplyDelete"This blog is a fantastic guide for anyone looking to leverage TensorFlow models for image classification in R. The step-by-step walkthrough and code examples make it incredibly accessible, demonstrating how to harness the power of pre-trained models for efficient image classification tasks. The integration of TensorFlow's capabilities within R opens up new horizons for data scientists and developers. A must-read for anyone seeking to explore cutting-edge image classification techniques in R!"
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Hey there! This article on using trained TensorFlow models for image classification in R sounds really interesting. It's amazing how machine learning techniques like this can help us analyze and classify images with great accuracy. I'm excited to learn more about how to implement it in R. Thanks for sharing!
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ReplyDeleteImage classification in R using trained TensorFlow models involves integrating TensorFlow with R to apply pre-trained deep learning models, enabling users to classify images efficiently within R's data analysis environment.
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ReplyDeleteIt discusses using the VGG16 model and other pre-trained models to classify images. The article also details how to load and use these models. Some important points are that the models can classify images with high accuracy and that they are easy to use in R.
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ReplyDeleteThis article provides an insightful overview of how to perform image classification in R using the VGG16 model with TensorFlow integration. It highlights the step-by-step process of building the model, loading weights, and making predictions, making complex concepts accessible even to those new to deep learning in R. The visualizations of the results effectively showcase the model's performance.
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This is an exciting development! The integration of TensorFlow with R opens up so many possibilities for data scientists and statisticians looking to leverage deep learning for image classification. It's great to see the release of trained models as well, which can save time and resources for those who want to dive into image analysis without starting from scratch. I can't wait to see the innovative applications that emerge from this combination of powerful tools. Thanks for sharing this update!
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ReplyDeleteYour exploration of image classification in R with TensorFlow models is a brilliant intersection of two powerful tools! By sharing your insights and methods, you're empowering others to harness the potential of deep learning for practical applications. Keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible—your work is truly inspiring!
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ReplyDeleteGreat post on image classification in R! Your step-by-step approach and clear explanations make it accessible, even for those new to the topic. The
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This post provides an excellent walkthrough for implementing image classification in R using the VGG16 model with TensorFlow. The author's clear explanations make it easy to follow, even for those who may not be familiar with TensorFlow in R. The step-by-step code snippets, especially for model building and loading weights, are incredibly helpful. I particularly appreciate the inclusion of visualizations and comparisons with Python, which adds depth to the understanding of the model's performance. Overall, a valuable resource for anyone looking to leverage pre-trained models for image classification in R!
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ReplyDeleteThis article provides a comprehensive guide to using the VGG16 model for image classification in R, utilizing TensorFlow
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This article offers a great introduction to using TensorFlow models in R for image classification, particularly leveraging the VGG16 architecture. The step-by-step explanation of building the model, loading pre-trained weights, and feeding image data makes it accessible for R users looking to integrate deep learning workflows without switching to Python.
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Thank you for sharing this helpful post on image classification in R using trained TensorFlow models! The guide offers valuable insights into leveraging TensorFlow’s power for image classification tasks in R. It’s a great resource for those looking to combine machine learning with R to solve complex image recognition problems.
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This post gives an excellent overview of using pre-trained models for image classification in R. A great read for those exploring machine learning in R!
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The Random Thoughts on R Blog provides a detailed guide on image classification in R using pre-trained models, exploring techniques to apply machine learning algorithms for analyzing visual data.
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Excellent breakdown of image classification in R! The step-by-step guide and clear explanation of using trained models for image analysis make this a great resource for anyone looking to dive into machine learning. Keep up the great work—looking forward to more insightful posts.
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Thank you for this insightful blog. The step-by-step breakdown of image classification in R is a great way to understand the practical application of machine learning. The use of trained models in R makes it accessible for both beginners and advanced users alike.
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Great blog! It’s really informative how you’ve explained the process of image classification using R and TensorFlow.
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This post provides a comprehensive walkthrough on implementing image classification in R using pre-trained TensorFlow models, specifically the VGG16 model. Nice article!
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ReplyDeleteFantastic tutorial on image classification in R! The explanation of how to use pre-trained models for transfer learning is very insightful. I’ve been meaning to dive into image classification, and this post provides a clear path forward. Thanks for breaking it down so well
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Leveraging TensorFlow in R for image classification bridges powerful machine learning with user-friendly data analysis. The integration of pre-trained models like VGG16 streamlines complex tasks, making advanced AI accessible for R enthusiasts.
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This article about R using TensorFlow model is excellent. Very well explained and infromative. Gained much insight about the topic. Thank you for sharing such informative and interesting article.
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This is a very informative blog on usage of TensorFlow in R. The explanation is supported by high quality program coding which is a very right approach for the user to understand it thoroughly. Appreciate your efforts.
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Good info on TensorFlow. Thank
ReplyDeleteI am learning R, this code is bit advanced, but I did understand the logic.
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Image classification in R with TensorFlow uses pre-trained models, deep learning, feature extraction, transfer learning, and efficient prediction for datasets
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